About Us

AECOS is a truly progressive organization that fosters communication and cooperation between leading anterior segment surgeons, ophthalmic industry executives, select venture capitalists, and technology entrepreneurs. Originally established in 2011 as a congress of American thought leaders, the Society expanded in 2012 to become The American-European Congress of Ophthalmic Surgery®. In 2013, the Society formalized its expansion by creating an American Executive Committee and a European Executive Committee – each chartered to drive the mission and vision of AECOS. Today, this prestigious Society remains dedicated to advancing vision care and improving patients’ quality of life through Innovation, Education and Advocacy.

As a non-profit 501(c)(6) ophthalmic Society, AECOS in its first year initiated sponsorship of an important FDA investigational study focused on corneal cross-linking. AECOS also participated with industry and CMS in the development of guidance on Laser Refractive Cataract Surgery. These guidelines that were published by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services in November 2012. As a Society, AECOS is an advocate for quality patient care, and serves as an active member of the FDA/CDRH Network of Experts.

AECOS is a member of the American Refractive Surgery Council, an organization that harnesses the country’s leading clinical and technology expertise and develops educational and informative programs and content for consumers considering their vision correction options.

AECOS Management Team

Trudy Larkins
Executive Director
Heather Heenan
Director, Membership and Meeting Services
Kimberly Capaldi
Senior Manager, Meetings and Web Initiatives

AECOS American Executive Committee

William Wiley, MD
Kendall Donaldson, MD
William Trattler, MD
Immediate Past COB
Laurent Attias
Andy Chang
Andy Corley
Warren Foust
Thomas Frinzi
James Katz, MD
Neda Shamie, MD
George Waring IV, MD
Robert Weinstock, MD
Gary Wörtz, MD
Elizabeth Yeu, MD


David Cox
Steven J. Dell, MD
Adam Krafczek, Esq
William Link, PhD
Stephen Slade, MD
William Trattler, MD

AECOS European Executive Committee

Sheraz Daya, MD
Francesco Carones, MD
Jorge L Alio, MD
Luc Bonnefoy
Lucio Buratto, MD
Arthur Cummings, MD
Raphael Ervinckx
Aylin Kilic, MD
Samuel Levinger, MD
Dirk Muehlhoff
Dan Reinstein, MD
Stefanie Schmickler, MD


John Marshall, PhD
Tobias Neuhann, MD
Rolf Schwind